Partner Offerings

Plastics NZ collaborates with a number of partners to offer a wide variety of training events. These range from short seminars on specific topics of interest to the plastics industry to NZAQ or tertiary based training programs.
Competenz, our Industry Training Organisation (ITO) facilitates NZQA approved plastic production and technical training together with Health and Safety, Quality, Lean Manufacturing, Supervision and other training relevant to our sector. Plastics NZ and several of its Member companies sit on the 'Plastics Strategic Advisory Group'. This group sets the industry's training direction by reviewing training programs to ensure they meet industry needs, developing industry training pathways for young people and promoting plastics as a career.
Plastics NZ has also accessed a world-class E-Learning platform for its Members. The platform is provided by American training provider Routsis and covers injection molding, blow molding, extrusion and design. More than 3,000 companies and education institutes worldwide deliver plastics training using these online modules.
Following considerable lobbynig by Plastics NZ and the industry, a post graduate program in plastics is delivered annually by Auckland University.
Plastics NZ also informs Members of a variety of trageted and relevant training and development events from partner organisations such as the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA), the New Zealand Manufactueres and Exporters Association (NZMEA), WorkSafe, Callaghan Innovation, The Product Accelerator, tertiary institutions and government research organisations such as Scion.