Material Exchange

Plastics NZ currently has a member-only exchange service to help you find a home for engineering plastics production waste. This can reduce your landfill costs and promotes the circular economy.
Any discussions on price or logistics are between the member companies. Plastics New Zealand cannot get involved in any transactional or financial aspect of your exchange.
The process is very simple:
View the current listings here
If you are looking for some material, simply search the spreadsheet and make contact with the company that made the listing
To Create a Listing
- Login to the Members section of
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. can help Members with your log-in if needed) - Go to the Members Material Exchange Page or click on the link here
- Choose your option and fill out some simple details to create a listing. You can even list anonymously.
- Not a Member? Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss
For details on membership of Plastics New Zealand CLICK HERE