EPS Recycling #6

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) takes up a lot of space in landfills, weighs very little and like all plastic products is durable. To encourage recycling some Councils have introduced a high minimum charge or a volumetric price because of its size.
EPS is also a valuable resource that can be recycled to make new insulation products for housing, resulting in better health and living standards.
Plastics NZ supports New Zealand Recyclers that are processing waste EPS. Many manufacturers and retailers are now able to collect waste EPS, on behalf of the recyclers and deliver it to their processing facility.
EPS - Consumer/ Household EPS Recycling
EPS cannot go in your Kerbside Recycling Bin.
However, did you know that there are a number of locations that you can now recycle your EPS through?
Visit www.airpop.co.nz for locations of collection bins that are in a number of Mitre10 Megas or ITMs where households can recycle their packaging.
Airpop is a fresh name for expanded polystyrene – a product that’s been relied on by Kiwis for decades.
Polystyrene on Building Sites - Commercial Recycling
Industry body Plastics New Zealand wants to encourage better handling practices of EPS on building sites to reduce the amount of construction EPS waste reaching New Zealand landfills. Member Companies offer a recycling service for clean offcuts at building sites and a regular collection. For further information please discuss with our EPS Manufacturing Member Companies involved in the Polystyrene on Building Sites Initiative
By supporting this initiative the Plastics NZ members contribute positively towards recovering all EPS waste from their own operations which will help stimulate consumer demand and create a viable EPS post-consumer market.
The Building Site EPS Collection Services is for offcuts/waste of NEW EPS products eg Waffle Pods, underfloor insulation etc, that have been supplied by a particular company direct to their customers site.
This service is NOT available for the packaging coming from other goods and services bought onto the building site ie packaging of electric goods, appliances, bathroom cabinets etc. This service is NOT for Demolition Waste.
For EPS Packaging Recycling on Building Sites or for Demolition Waste, you would need to contract a bin service from the likes of Waste Management or other Local Recycling Company offering this service
For EPS recycling services visit www.airpop.co.nz/recycling/
What is Airpop?
Airpop is a fresh name for expanded polystyrene – a product that’s been relied on by Kiwis for decades.
EPS Protective Packaging Working Group
Plastics NZ led a Working Group in relation to EPS Protective Packaging.
A report was submitted to MFE in June 2022 which provides a detailed overview of the use of protective packaging across different product categories and recommendations around specific product categories where B2C EPS protective packaging is able to be phased out, as well as categories where EPS is not yet able to be phased out.
Please Contact Us if you’d like a copy of the Working Group report.