Technical Events

Plastics NZ runs a number of technical events every year for our Members. These are arranged both locally and nationally and aim to offer a broad range of technical information as well as best practice on topical issues.
Typically, we run a range of seminars and site visits for our members. Seminars on plastics can include the latest information on health and safety regulations, environmental manufacturing, robotics, tool design, and advances in injection moulding and extrusion. Further training in these areas can help staff to not only upskill in new areas but to also extend their skills in the current areas they work in.
Benefits to training include having staff being able to improve their skills:
- Troubleshooting and diagnosing problems
- Establishing priorities
- Systematically work through solutions
- Communicating more effectively at work
- Working on new and innovative ideas
We regularly undertake site visits for our Members and look at best practice by companies on topics like lean manufacturing, energy use and robotics.
Events are open to both Affiliates and more senior branch Members, and run throughout the year. For information on events coming up please visit our Events page