Pact Recycling (Astron Sustainability)

63 Neales Road, East Tamaki, Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand, 2013
09 273 1160
Pact Recycling (Astron Sustainability)

Part of the PACT Group, Pact Recycling (Astron Sustainability) is one of Australasia’s largest manufacturers of recycled resin and reconditioners of drums and IBCs.

Our automated reconditioning lines extend the lifecycle of IBC’s and drums without compromising their quality. The recycled resin, underground cable cover and slip-sheet we manufacture are renowned for quality and superior performance.

Pact Recycling (Astron Sustainability) has processing facilities in Auckland, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. Our reconditioning and recycling solutions provide our clients with a range of sustainable packaging options.

Pact Reuse (Astron Sustainability - Auckland Drum)

591 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland, New Zealand
09 828 5546
Pact Reuse (Astron Sustainability - Auckland Drum)

Part of the Pact Group, Pact Reuse (Astron Sustainability - Auckland Drum) is one of Australasia’s largest manufacturers of recycled resin and reconditioners of drums and IBCs.

Our automated reconditioning lines extend the lifecycle of IBC’s and drums without compromising their quality. The recycled resin, underground cable cover and slip-sheet we manufacture are renowned for quality and superior performance.

Astron Sustainability has processing facilities in Auckland, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. Our reconditioning and recycling solutions provide our clients with a range of sustainable packaging options.

Plastics Recycling NZ Ltd

5 Maurice Road, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand, 1061
021 598 237
Plastics Recycling NZ Ltd

PRNZ, a joint venture between WM New Zealand and Aliaxis, operates Aotearoa’s only uPVC reprocessing facility, investing in plastics recycling with a nationwide collection and processing network.

Penrose Recycling Facility – North Island (PRNZ)
Capable of processing HDPE, uPVC, and PP, with potential for LDPE.

Hornby South Recycling Facility – South Island (Trading as Comspec)
Located in Hornby South, Christchurch.
Specialising in post-consumer and post-industrial plastics.