The Government has adopted a new strategy to reduce waste and improve how it’s managed in New Zealand.
The New Zealand waste and resource efficiency strategy presents the Government’s priorities for minimising waste and improving waste management. It replaces Te Rautaki Para | New Zealand waste strategy adopted by the previous Government in March 2023. 

The New Zealand waste and resource efficiency strategy presents the Government’s priorities for minimising waste and improving waste management. It replaces Te Rautaki Para | New Zealand waste strategy adopted by the previous Government in March 2023.

WR StrategyThe new strategy aims to achieve the following outcomes:  

  • reduction of waste disposal per person  
  • increasing reuse and recycling of materials and products 
  • minimising emissions and environmental harm from waste and litter 
  • ensuring resource recovery and disposal facilities are managed to minimise their environmental impacts limiting the environmental harm caused by contaminated sites including legacy sites.  
  • Waste and resource efficiency work programme

 The Government has also confirmed its waste and resource efficiency work programme, which is designed to help achieve the strategy’s goals. The work programme includes the following areas:

  • increasing reuse and recycling of materials
  • reducing waste emissionsdeveloping fit-for-purpose waste legislation
  • outcomes-focused investment of the waste disposal levy
  • reducing harm and addressing legacy issues
  • meeting our international chemical and waste commitments.

See the waste work programme for more information.

Read the full press release here

Download the New Zealand waste and resource efficiency strategy here