EECA’s Decarbonisation Sector Programme : Plastic manufacturing - an energy efficiency journey”(Friday 17th)

Tailored resources for sectors
Businesses account for around 40% of New Zealand's energy-related emissions, so they represent a big opportunity for decarbonisation. Our Sector Decarbonisation Programme collaborates with sector associations and technical experts to connect New Zealand businesses with world-class innovation and best practice guidance to decarbonise at a sector level. The programme also provides new businesses with best practice knowledge when they enter the sector.
EPS Plastics Decarbonisation Pathway
Our 5-step pathway is supported by Plastics NZ. It provides tailored tools and resources to help manufacturers lower their emissions and unlock business benefits. While this is foccused on the EPS Sector it has applications and tools that are applicable for the wider plastics Industry
Learn more about the programme