Wood-Filled PLA Filament

Entrant: Imagin Plastics Ltd
Product: Wood-Filled PLA Filament (FDM 3D Printing)
Category 4 - Best Environmental Product
Client: Imagin Plastics Ltd
Designer: Imagin Plastics Ltd & SCION
Tool Designer: Imagin Plastics Ltd
Tool Manufacturer: Imagin Plastics Ltd
Manufacturer: Imagin Plastics Ltd
Our Wood-Filled PLA Filament is a consumer product used for FDM 3D Printing (Fused Deposition Modelling) and can be used in any consumer desktop 3D printer. The Wood-Filled PLA filament is made of polylactic acid (a sustainable bioplastic made from corn starch that is industrially compostable) and wood flour, a waste by-product of local sawmills. The product opportunity was to make a sustainable user friendly material that feels like “3D Printing Wood”.