Funding options are available in NZ for developing sustainable projects and products through General, Regional or Community based funds.

Plastics Specific Funding opportunities includes Circular Connect or the Plastics Innovation Fund


Plastics Innovation Fund

The Plastics Innovation Fund supports projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. We are seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable.

Next funding round opens Mid 2024

Closing the loop on PVC and HDPE construction and demolition waste

Kaipaki Dairies zero single-use plastic project

More information can be found here.

Circular Connect: Design Advisory Subsidy

This PlasticsNZ subsidy is for businesses embracing circularity – the idea of designing products that go back into the supply chain when finished with, rather than into landfill. It covers systems, products and packaging. PlasticsNZ will subsidise up to 50% of consulting fees during your discovery and/or action planning phase(s) to help you achieve your 2025 plastic packaging targets.

More information can be found here

NZ Funding Options for Sustainable Projects

WasteMINZ have put together a comprehensive list of current NZ Funding options for sustainable projects

More information can be found here


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